Our Work
Affordable Vet Care
Pause 4 Paws has negotiated arrangements for Dr. Angelina Beeks and her staff Angel’s Touch Veterinarian Clinic of Apple Valley, CA to drive up the mountain with their mobile clinic on wheels (a customized RV with a surgery theater onboard) 1-2 times per month to provide the community with low-cost vet services for their pets and to sterilize community cats on the mountain. The RV sets up shop on Mary Lou’s property in Big Bear City and the public is welcomed to bring their pets for surgery (by appointment) and other basic services, such as vaccinations, tests, and microchips (walk-in basis).
Why TNR?
Practicing "TNR" (Trap, Neuter, Return) is the most humane way to stop the stray cat overpopulation problem in our communities. An average female cat has 1-8 kittens per litter & 2-3 litters per year. During her life she can have more than 100 KITTENS. So, fixing JUST ONE female cat makes a tremendous difference! Also, fixing a male cat reduces his chances of getting hit by a car (doesn't roam as far), of getting injured in fights, and most importantly, prevents him from adding to the population.
How TNR Works
Volunteers or community members set and monitor humane traps in feral cat colonies.
Once a stray, unfixed cat is trapped, volunteers bring the animal to the mobile clinic for spay/neuter surgery. While under anesthesia the cat is “ear tipped” by the vet, which is the universal sign that the animal has been fixed.
After recovering from surgery (about 12-24 hrs), the cat is returned to the location where it was trapped.
Hooray! We have now saved this kitty (and many more prevented offspring) from needless suffering and have stopped more unwanted strays.
Free TNR Services
Pause 4 Paws can loan you a humane trap and/or connect you with a volunteer to help you trap and transport stray or feral cats in your neighborhood to the mobile clinic events. Pause 4 Paws covers 100% of the cost of sterilizing these cats trapped within Big Bear Valley, which includes the towns and villages of Big Bear Lake, Big Bear City, Fawnskin, Holcomb Valley, Sugarloaf, Erwin Lake, Baldwin Lake, Bluff Lake and Lake Williams.
All stray cat surgeries paid for by Pause 4 Paws will be ear tipped so they are identifiable as sterilized unowned animals—no exceptions.
Winter Shelter Project
If you're not in a position to take in a stray kitty or want to help out a feral (after getting her fixed), you can always help a kitty survive the harsh winter conditions with a DIY shelter. With materials donated by the community, our volunteers turn used household items like old ice chests or coolers, plastic bins, and styrofoam into a place where a cat can ride out the cold and snow.
When we've made the shelters we offer them back to Bear Valley residents to borrow for free.
Please reach out to us if you need a shelter or are willing to donate any of these items, thank you!